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NV3 launches 3rd-gen digital signage and charging kiosks

发布日期:2011-08-01 16:46 浏览次数:

Tags: Advertising, Custom Kiosks, Digital Signage
Today from its headquarters in Baltimore's Emerging Technology Center, NV3 Technologies announced the availability and deployment of its third-generation NTC Series digital signage and charging kiosks.
NV3 said its charging kiosks, available in both desktop and floor models, are well suited for many high-traffic locations such as convention centers, restaurants, hotels, theme parks, banks, universities, hospitals, airports and shopping malls.
"The NTC series is truly a technological innovation that addresses skyrocketing consumer demand for increased battery life in cellphones, smartphones and tablets," said Ryan Doak, managing partner for NV3 Technologies, in the announcement. "Unlike other kiosks being marketed to the public, our American-made units provide up to 800 milliamps – compared to 500 – for a more powerful flow of electric current with which to rapidly charge Blackberries, iPhones, iPads, Droids, Nokia, Samsung, LG, Sanyo, Motorola, Sony Ericsson and other widely used devices."
NV3's charging technology utilizes an intelligent monitoring algorithm, which ensures that the requested recharge is directed to the appropriate device. Also NV3 said its charging kiosks will not impact a business's energy consumption to cause any increase in its electric bill.
"As Mobile Internet computing increases in popularity, consumers will have an even greater need for extended battery life as well as a convenient option to charge their device in public venues" Doak said. "Sites and locations that offer this value-added convenience are also able to deliver target advertising and marketing messages to a captive audience through the kiosks' interactive displays, touchscreens, and customized branding."
Another significant point of differentiation for the NTC series kiosks is that they operate NV3's very easy-to-use, plug and play interactive media player and digital signage software. Remote, secure accessibility empowers companies with the flexibility and ease for managing dynamic content in real-time.
The NTC Series features the following specifications, features and functionality:
Earlier this year, NV3 reported a 300 percent increase in revenue since 2008, and numerous digital signage and charging kiosk deployments across the globe.